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To do before to die

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

Dog sledding, a unique experience to live !

With the wilderness all around, it is not difficult to picture yourself in the tundra, or the wilderness of Alaska. The first sniff of your presence at the kennels will have the Alaskan Huskies howling and excitable for the upcoming pull. It's said by the mushers that it's more difficult to get them to stop than to pull.

As the Alaskan Huskies hurtle along, they break the eerie silence of the frozen wilderness all around, the Mongolian winter sun casting long shadows through the Khan Khenty sparse forests in the often well-below-freezing temperatures.

Definitely pack your thermals and wrap up really warmly if you plan on sledding; at least two layers.

The heart-stopping moment comes when you ride the sled over frozen lakes, like Khuvsgul, which is all at once terrifying and enchanting experience.

Dog-sledding season in Khan Khenty runs from about mid-December to end of February, then the season will continue in Khuvsgul in March & April, with it being warmer from about February.


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