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A short trip to discover dog sledding !!

Updated: Dec 14, 2021

You would lie to do a longer tour, but not sure about it ??

Let's try just for one day !

Dog sledding is not a difficult sport, but will be totally new feelings for you and during a "long" moment, you'll feel like a child taking the bike for the first time...

Then, you'll start to feel more confident, starting to understand how to control your balance and how to drive the sled.

New sensations

Dog sledding is not just a way to have fun, it's a perfect way to go inside the wild nature, to feel the cold air, to see the wild life discover Mongolian nature, slidding on the frozen rivers or lakes.
Dog sledding is also a "team story", it's not just some dogs pulling a sled, the musher has to be part of this team, to motivate the dogs, to communicate with them.


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