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Dog sledding in Mongolia. An adventure we started 19 years ago !

Updated: Dec 17, 2021

A long story started in 2003, when Joel arrived in Mongolia.

some years ago....quite 20 years ago, by a surprising hazard, Joel and a friend arrived in Mongolia for an "expeditions", just for fun and enjoy dog sledding for themselves.

They fell under the spell of Mongolia and a few month after their expedition, Joel decided to come back....

It was the beginning of a long adventure, Wind of Mongolia travel agency adventure !!

It's like this that in March 2003, the first dog sledding tour took place in Khan Khenty area. With the sponsorship of MIAT who helped to bring the dogs from Frankfurt to Ulaanbaatar.

First steps in Mongolia with Boldbaatar L. and his friend Sukhe.

With the help of our new friends Boldbaatar & Sukhe, we did a 15 days loop in the heart of Khan Khenty, from Tuul, Khagiin Khar Nuur, Khuul Nuur, and Khuur Nuur, to be back in the valley following Khagiin river.


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