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Top winter activity In Mongolia

Updated: Dec 19, 2021

Dog sledding is probably the top winter activity in Mongolia. An open door on the nature & the nomadic life.

Slipping on frozen rivers, feeling the speed and cold stinging your cheeks, immersing yourself in the surrounding wilderness, feeling the river come to life, twisting and bending under the pressure of the sledding is the best way to discover nature in winter, to catch a glimpse of the wild fauna, or in any case, to read in the tracks left in the snow, the life of this omnipresent wildlife.

Discover the nomadic life

To travel by sled in the heart of Mongolian steppes, offer also to you to discover the nomadic life during the harsh winter.

After an invigorating day in the nature, enter inside the yurt of our nomadic friends, enjoying the heat of the fire in the stove and discover another life, by a unique way !

No need to be an adventurer, no need to be sportives, just need to be motivated to discover a new way to go "outdoor".

Proud of our 18 years experience in Mongolia, our professional team, is waiting and will enjoy to let you to discover dog sledding world, the dogs life the technique to drive your own sled and share together this unique adventure.


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